There are many reasons why buying a duplex is appealing. When done right, you could significantly lower your housing costs. Duplexes also serve as popular investment vehicles. It’s little wonder that experts predict multifamily investment volume to reach roughly $148 billion this year—a 33% gain when compared to 2020 estimates, according to CBRE Research.


Of course, nothing is ever a sure thing when it comes to real estate investing. This is precisely why it’s so important to know what you’re getting into before buying a duplex. Here’s some of what you can expect when going through the process.

How to buy a duplex

Let’s first clarify what a duplex is. This type of multifamily property is a single building that has two housing units. Each has its own entrance and is separated from the other. Some duplexes are situated side by side, while others are positioned one on top of the other. There are many duplex owners who choose to live in one unit and rent out the other, though some treat it strictly as an investment property and rent out both.

Buying a duplex is a little different when compared to buying a single-family home. Below are some important details to keep in mind:

The purchase can be more affordable if you plan on living in one of the units

If you live in the duplex, the property will be considered “owner-occupied.” This may provide better financing opportunities, like the ability to use a bank loan to cover the purchase. This type of financing, which can require a down payment as low as 3.5%, is available only to buyers who will be using the property as a primary residence. Those buying a duplex strictly as an investment property will likely have to put at least 20% down, according to investment property expert Jason Reed.

Another potential benefit: If you do plan on occupying one unit and renting out the other, your mortgage lender may include a portion of potential rent when calculating your income—something that could boost borrowing power. In this way, buying a duplex is different from buying a traditional house. However, you’ll still need to meet other common lending requirements.

Look beyond cosmetics when evaluating properties

When buying a duplex, it’s wise to research your area to see where you’re most likely to attract renters. Once you have some potential properties in mind, look beyond cosmetic details like countertops and appliances. Think in terms of what would be the most expensive and urgent to fix. This includes plumbing, roofing and windows.

“Another thing is to inspect the sewer line going out to the street if the property is older than 20 years old,” said Reed. “Do that inspection before any other. It generally costs under $200. The reason that’s so important is if the sewer line goes out, you need to fix it immediately and it’s very expensive.”

Pros of buying a duplex

Buying a duplex comes with many potential benefits. Some advantages may include:

Home affordability

“There are some places in the US where you can buy a duplex and the tenant’s rent will pay for all of your mortgage,” said Reed.

While you may not be able to net quite that much from your rental unit, you could still significantly offset your housing costs. If your mortgage is $1,500 and you’re renting one unit for $750, you just cut your housing bill in half.

Tax benefits

By owning a rental property, you’ll be able to take advantage of real estate depreciation. In a nutshell, the IRS allows you to write off costs related to buying and maintaining your rental unit. This essentially translates to more money in your pocket.

The ability to take in family members

If being a landlord isn’t for you, owning a duplex still has its perks. For one, it enables multigenerational living. This can be especially valuable for those caring for aging family members or welcoming back adult children who are returning to the nest. With a duplex, you can live right alongside each other without sacrificing your privacy.

Freedom to relocate more easily

If you own a single-family home and find yourself in a situation where you need to move, you may be left scrambling to sell your home. Duplexes generally provide more freedom because they’re known to attract renters. Reed has worked with families who’ve rented out their unit, moved away, then came back to their duplex a few years down the line.

Potential investment returns

Renting out a duplex, whether you live in one unit or not, can create a significant stream of passive income (aka earnings that require little heavy lifting on your end). Assuming you have reliable and steady tenants, this could provide a regular flow of money into your bank account month after month. And when the mortgage is paid off, you’ll own the asset in full.

The ability to reach your financial goals

From paying off debt to buying the single-family home of your dreams, starting off in a more affordable duplex could be a powerful first step in getting there. Living in a duplex for a few years while renting out the other unit could provide enough savings for you to make real movement on your financial goals, whatever they may be.

Cons of buying a duplex

Like anything else, buying a duplex has its downsides. Read on for some potential disadvantages.

Living super close to your neighbors

If you live in a duplex, you may occasionally hear your tenants from time to time. Reed said this isn’t always the case, but it’s certainly something to consider. “You’re still living in a situation where you’re not by yourself,” he said. “Just know that your tenants are there and you may have to behave a little differently sometimes than you would if you had your own single-family home.”

Being a landlord

Let’s face it—not everyone is cut out to be a landlord. Managing a rental property comes with certain responsibilities, from keeping up with general maintenance to addressing repairs as they come up. Reed also stresses the importance of running background checks and screening tenants before approving them. If that puts you off, buying a duplex might not be the right fit for you.

Is buying a duplex to rent a good investment strategy?

If you purchase a duplex that’s within your budget and you’re able to find solid tenants, owning this type of property can be a great investment strategy that helps you move the needle on your short- and long-term financial goals. The key is not getting in over your head. If you’re stretched thin financially, buying a duplex might not be the best idea. Reed recommends having a strong nest egg saved up in case you’re faced with pricey unexpected repairs. Otherwise, you could go into debt maintaining the property.

Reed also reminds potential buyers to treat their rental units like a business, especially where tenants are concerned. If not, you could easily get taken advantage of. This could lead to financial losses that negate any potential investment gains. It’s also wise to make sure your expenses are such that you can always cover your full mortgage payment without relying on renters. This way, you won’t be left panicking if a tenant is late on their rent or the unit goes vacant for longer than expected.


Buying a duplex can set the stage for budget-friendly living that also generates a nice passive income stream. It isn’t without risk, but going into it with eyes wide open can help you avoid potential pitfalls.

“I’d say what we’re seeing right now is that 70% to 75% of all the duplexes that are selling are owner-occupied,” said Reed. “A majority of the buyers are actually planning on living on one side because it’s so affordable.”