A real estate investment is a profit-oriented financial plan that entails the management, ownership, purchase, leasing, and/or sale of a property. Even though there are many different ways to invest in real estate, they all rely on the same economic principles to make money. The first consideration is that the property's value must rise. In addition, the expenditures of owning and maintaining the property must not outweigh its improved value.

Real estate property

Tips To Investing in Real Estate in Nigeria

There are various sorts of investment properties, and excellent investors choose their investment strategy based on their profit requirements (short- or long-term). The process of purchasing a property and swiftly selling it (often referred to as "sws") is known to as fast turn investing. Checkout this tips below;

1. Investing In Rental Properties

Investing in rental buildings, as well as land ownership, is an old tradition. After purchasing a property, you rent it out to people. You are responsible for paying the costs of property maintenance as the landlord. Rental property can be an awesome business to those with do-it-yourself (DIY) and renovation abilities, as well as the patience to manage tenants, may find rental homes to be a rewarding business. Although this technique does not necessitate a large sum of money, it does needs sufficient finances to cover maintenance expenditures during unoccupied months.

2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are unknown to many Nigerians (REITs). REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are investment trusts that are governed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These schemes aggregate investor funds to buy income-producing real estate or mortgage loans, or a combination of the two.

REITs are perfect for persons who wish to own rental properties but don't want to deal with the inconvenience of managing them. A capital cushion and access to financing are required when investing in REITs. A single investor can own one or more self-contained living units in a REIT, and the investment group manages all of the units on the investor's behalf, including maintenance, advertising vacancies, and interviewing potential tenants. The company takes a percentage of the monthly rent in exchange for performing these management tasks.

Advantages of REITs

1. Renting is less hands-on than owning a rental property.

2. The property generates income and appreciates in value.

3. Alternatives to equities and fixed-income security in real estate investment.

4. REITs also provide liquidity, as they offer relatively liquid assets for sale (in comparison to direct real estate investments) that can be sold quickly to raise funds or take advantage of various investment possibilities.

Important Things To Consider Before Investing In Real Estate In Nigeria;

 Only 37 percent of Nigerians owned a home in 2011. The key to bridging this divide for potential investors and the broader public is information. Furthermore, by making the procedure simpler, the hurdles to investing in the area can be reduced.

If you're thinking about investing in real estate, you should think about these steps.

1. Do Your Own Research

If you're interested in learning more about the real estate market, there are a number of resources available. The mainstream media, both online and in person, as well as speaking with locals, are some of these platforms. For search terms on Google and other relevant Nigerian property sites, you can set up Google alerts. This way, you'll always be up to date.

2. Decide On A Particular Property Market

Choose a sector that will benefit you the best in light of your objectives. It could be a commercial, industrial, retail, or residential building. If you want a fast return, for example, residential real estate may not be the greatest option.

3. Take Note Of Booming Real Estate Markets

Infrastructure development and ease of access to central business districts may change that soon, even if they aren't booming right now. When a highway is built, traffic is relieved, and the working class tends to migrate in that direction, making it a good reason to build high-rises to rent out to them.

 4. Know The Law Guiding Your Target Area


One of every Nigerian's rights is to own property. The 1978 Land Use Act, on the other hand, grants state governments jurisdiction over land inside their borders. After a lengthy and bureaucratic process, they make it available to you. A certificate of occupancy is required in order to use the land, such as to sell or develop it.

 5. Leverage On The Internet for visibility


You cannot afford to ignore the Internet as a real estate investor in Nigeria. Whether you have a website or a social media presence, the Internet is a cost-effective tool to drive visitors to your business once it gets off the ground. You might be able to attract customers or sellers by using online marketing.

Conclusion: when it comes to real estate investment in Nigeria, always take note of deals that will profit you and don't forget to always add value to your properties for higher interest.